The YXIE artists in front of the colonie
Shoko Suzuki leads the Composers’ Roundtable at the Manoir des Arts YXIE
A concert at the historic Église Saint-Médard Villeblevin
YXIE Co-Director Kees Wieringa, a foremost champion on the work of Simeon ten Holt, led from the piano a performance of ten Holt’s Canto Ostinato, with Kyle Miller, electric guitar; Richard Jimenez, cello; and Nolan Doranz on piano II.
Emil Awad in the Carriage House Studio conducts Estrella Cabildo’s
“Parece Sol”, written for the YXIE Festival.
Richard Jimenez, left on cello; Chiu Chen Liu, viola;
Alejandra Fred-Estada on the right on violin
Soprano Tiffany Jackson in the Église Saint-Médard
Tiffany Jackson, Joan Forsyth, Eleanor Wyche, William Anderson
At the Villeblevin Town Center
A standing ovation at the Église Saint-Médard Villeblevin
a large portion of the YXIE artsists and faculty at the Église Saint-Médard
Villeblevin – foreground, left to right: Pablo Veguilla, Eleanor Wyche, Kenneithia Mitchel,
Summer Song, Calvin E. Lee, Tiffany Jackson. Far left, Sebastien Escudero….
a group of YXIE Artists march onto the stage at the
American Church in Paris for the final concert on July 9.