11 February 2024
The brilliant and enterprising composer Emil Awad is the founder and director of the Festival Camarata 21 at the Universidad Veracruzana in Xalapa, Vera Cruz, Mexico. Many of us have participated – Mario Davidovsky, Robert Pollock, Suzanne Farrin, …
19 December 2023
In a modern building, like a Frank Gehry building, the joinery is often custom joinery designed specifically for the needs of one building. The angles might not be 90 degrees.
So also in music. I am so accustomed to customized joinery that I find …
8 December 2023
also touching on
21st C. Homophony
Manuel Ponce the Progressive
Following up on some earlier thoughts on George Lewis and Philip Ewell and their call for blues-based music theory. I repeat that call and elaborate.
For decades I’ve complained …
26 October 2023
In progress…
Yesterday at Oktaven Studios in Mount Vernon, New York, Cygnus recorded Martin Boykan’s “Diptych” and Richard Festinger’s “Hidden Spring”.
Some notes on Boykan, HERE. Those comments mostly about …
24 September 2023
Taking up Bowery Haunt again with Oren Fader has led to a continual stream of quiddities emerging from the experience of the music. Talking about them makes them seem abstract, but these are visceral. I am only interested in the visceral – what …
11 August 2023
Sept 14 T h e V i l l a g e T r i p
GuitarFest 1
In Memory of Scott Johnson
at Loft393 will include Scott’s Bowery Haunt (2005).
Eventbrite Tickets –>
I don’t know what …
20 July 2023
Composer Frank Brickle shares his thoughts about Scott Johnson
Frank Brickle was always less pig-headed than I was. Frank was an early advocate for Morton Feldman within certain cirlces in which and at a time when Feldman was a hard sell. He advocated …
22 May 2023
Dina Koston, founder of the RSF, complained about neo-romantic music. The phrase I remember her using was “warmed-over Schumann”. But that was directed at other names, not at Del Tredici.
I was surprised to learn that she programmed the music of …