18 Tone Music
Homage to Eugene Lee
It’s like that unsettling scene in 2001 with anachronistic household items.
Our perception is of a definite beating pattern, a beating pattern alien to 12-EDO, but occasional resolutions to something comforting from home–whole tone harmonies (9-EDO).
In the 80s sound was being used to help surgeons find their way to tumors in the brain.
X-EDO is outer space, but what might guide us through is recognizable beating patterns?
Lee’s music teaches me to respond to the 1/3 tones. They are infectious. His enthusiasm for them comes across in his music. The beating patters are infectious. With time, collections in the 18-tone universe may get under our skin. The composers have to lead us there and we will drink. Land it, transpose it, re-dispose it, give us a chance to feel it.
Composers are brave, risking their lives exploring the extraplanetary, the utterly not bourgeois.
Major Tom to ground control –
“I am hearing 18-tone beat patterns!
Ground control to Maj Tom –
We’ve found you. Setting tractor beam to 18 tone field…
–Wm Anderson
William Anderson is a guitarist and composer and an advisor to the Roger Shapiro Fund.