The Roger Shapiro Fund is concerned with:
–new music, not limited by geographical region
–education in music, composition, and international outreach
–promoting further knowledge and appreciation of the music of founder Dina Koston.
The Roger Shapiro Fund aims to arrange for composers to collaborate with organizations, particularly presenting organizations and performing ensembles that have built a sizeable audience or are implementing creative strategies to gain an audience for new music.
It is very important to us at the Roger Shapiro Fund that music education and the creation of new music be a priority for each new generation! We foster opportunities for young people to study and perform new music, study composition and present their own compositions. We are particularly interested in promoting international musical studies and exchanges in the hope that broader, deeper musical and cultural connections will lead young people to a greater understanding of what unifies us as inhabitants of the globe.
In addition to traditional concert venues, the Roger Shapiro Fund is interested in developing new ways for new music to reach people, including radio, television & internet, recording projects, new music in public spaces, real or virtual and innovative collaborations with other arts disciplines.